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About / Walkthrough PaPs Project

Objectives of Public art and Public space project are:

• Integration of art into process of urban planning and urban design with a purpose to establish new framework for evaluation and improvement of public spaces in Belgrade and Serbia
• Public participation: activation and involvement of local community, different institutions and City government into urban design process
• Identification, evaluation and improvement of public spaces in Belgrade.
• Creation of a search-able database of public spaces in Belgrade (input for future action).
• Activation of spaces with cultural, historical an representative potentials
• Education of new generation of professionals in the field of public art
• collaboration between Faculties of architecture, fine arts, applied arts, landscape design, performing arts, etc. in education of new generation of professionals that can collaborate in overall design process in context of Bologna declaration
PAPS project explores possibilities for redefinition of public spaces use and design in Serbian context. Therefore it promotes interdisciplinary work of different professions and their strong collaboration with the local community on different projects in the civic realm. This project has another but certainly not less important goal: academic education of a new generation of design professionals who will accept this collaborative approach and apply it their future professional practice.

Activities of PAPS spans to wide field of operation for the purpose of: affirmation of Public art concept, interdisciplinary approach to education of students, experts, institutions and public in domain of Public art, realization of Public art project.

They are realized as:
• planning, design and realization of public art projects through interdisciplinary students workshops and actions that involve experts and public in all stages of work
• public presentations of all stages of work on public art projects
• lectures about public art, design of public spaces, public participation i public space design process
• support to activities and presentations that promote public art